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librxspencer POSIX API regexp library by Henry Spencer
libsafec C bounds checking memory and string functions library
libsearpc (V) Simple RPC framework based on GObject system
libsigc++ Type-safe callback system for C++ programs (v2)
libsigc++3 Type-safe callback system for C++ programs
libsigsegv Library for handling page faults in user mode
libslang Routines for rapid alpha-numeric terminal applications development
libsmi Library to access SMI MIB information
libstash Collection of programming support routines and useful algorithms
libstatgrab Provides a useful interface to system statistics
libstree Suffix tree library
libstroke Stroke translation library
libstubborn Library of generic stub functions
libtai Library for storing and manipulating dates and times
libtar Library for manipulating POSIX tar files
libtecla Interactive command line editing facilities
libtermkey Library to process keyboard entry from terminal-based programs
libthai Thai language support routines
libthreadar C++ library to manage threads
libthrift C++ bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system
libthrift_c_glib C (Glib) bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system
libtirpc Port of SUNs Transport-Independent RPC library
libtool Generic shared library support script
libtool-base Generic shared library support script (the script itself)
libtool-fortran Generic shared library support script (the script itself, incl. Fortran)
libtool-info Generic shared library support script - info pages
libts Library of simple token-scanning routines
libunit Development kit for dynamic web application server
liburing Library for the Linux kernel io_uring interface
libusb USB access library (version 0)
libusb-compat USB access library version 0 compatibility layer on top of version 1
libusb1 USB Access Library (version 1)
libuuid Generate unique identifiers for objects
libuv Cross-platform asychronous I/O
libuxre POSIX compatible regular expression library
libvolume_id Library to provide file system type information
libvorbis (V) Library for the Ogg Vorbis audio encoding format
libvterm01 Abstract VT220/xterm/ECMA-48 emulation library
libvterm03 Abstract VT220/xterm/ECMA-48 emulation library
libwapcaplet String internment library
libwhisker2 Perl module geared specifically for HTTP testing
libwnck Library to write pagers and tasklists
libwnck3 Library to write pagers and tasklists
libxenserver Citrix XenServer SDK for C
libXfont (V) X font Library
libXfont2 (V) X font Library (v2)
libxml (V) XML parser (version 1), mainly used by the GNOME project
libxtend Miscellaneous functions to extend libc
libyang YANG data modeling language library
libyang2 YANG data modeling language library
libzahl (V) Library for arbitrary size integers, bigint
libzen Small C++ derivate class to have a simpler life
libzookeeper Highly reliable distributed coordination C lib
linenoise Small self-contained alternative to readline and libedit
lld The LLVM Linker
lldb Next generation, high-performance debugger
lmdbg Lightweight Modular malloc Debugger
locktests POSIX locks stress-test
log4cplus Logging API for C++
log4cxx Logging framework for C++
log4shib C++ library for flexible logging, modeled after Log4j
lokalize Computer-Aided Translation System
ltsa Labelled Transition System Analyser
lua-alt-getopt Lua API for getopt similar to getopt_long(3)
lua-ansicolors Simple Lua function for printing to the console in color
lua-argparse Feature-rich command-line argument parser for Lua
lua-basexx BaseXX encoding and decoding library for Lua
lua-binaryheap Binary heap implementation in Lua
lua-bit32 Lua 5.2 bit manipulation library
lua-BitOp Lua module which adds bitwise operations on numbers
lua-busted Elegant Lua unit testing
lua-check Liner and static analyzer for Lua
lua-cliargs Command-line argument parsing module for Lua
lua-compat53 Compatibility module providing Lua-5.3-style APIs for Lua 5.2 and 5.1
lua-cov Simple coverage analyzer for Lua scripts
lua-coxpcall Module to encapsulate protected calls with a coroutine based loop
lua-cqueues Stackable Continuation Queues for Lua
lua-enum Enumerated Types for Lua
lua-epnf Abstract Syntax Tree support library for Lua
lua-event Binding of libevent to Lua, with drop-in replacement for copas
lua-fifo FIFO library for Lua
lua-filesystem File system related library for Lua
lua-fun Functional programming library for Lua
lua-gi Gobject-introspection based dynamic Lua binding
lua-inspect Human-readable representation of Lua tables
lua-language-server Language server for Lua
lua-linenoise Lua binding for linenoise
lua-ljsyscall LuaJIT syscall FFI for the Linux, NetBSD, FreeBSD and OSX kernels
lua-loadkit Allows you to load arbitrary files within the Lua package path
lua-lpeg Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs) library for Lua
lua-lpeg-patterns Collection of LPEG patterns
lua-lrexlib Regexp libraries for Lua programming language
lua-lrexlib-onig Oniguruma regexp library for Lua (lrexlib project)
lua-lrexlib-pcre PCRE regexp library for Lua (lrexlib project)
lua-lrexlib-posix POSIX regexp library for Lua (lrexlib project)
lua-luassert Lua Assertions Extension library
lua-luv Bare libuv bindings for Lua
lua-mediator Mediator pattern implementation for pub-sub management
lua-mimetypes MIME type database for Lua
lua-mode Emacs major mode for editing Lua code